Digital products & Multimedia Storytelling

Every project starts out with a vision and I strive for a high degree of identification with this concept. Through profound research, visualization and implementation of extensive skills by me and a team of professionals, I accomplish authentic products tailored to your needs and your audience's wishes. 

Currently I am working as speaker at ARD Programmdirektion 
for Digital Products. 

I accompany development of products at the interface of film, TV and internet. 


tb-vent GmbH:


  • EPK Material and Behind the Scenes
  • Social-Media: Mathäser VIP-Praktikant

Bayerischer Rundfunk:
Bayern2 Reports (Volunteer)

  • IQ Wissenschaft und Forschung 
    (Science magazine)

Bayerische Fernsehakademie e.V.:
Student producer

  • Science & news reports 
    Feature documentaries 
  • VJ projects
  • Transmedia

Story House Productions GmbH:


  • PRO7 GALILEO episode